All posts by Henry Koren

Nook Color Netflix Hack

Unfortunately, the playback is slightly choppy on my Phiremod 5.1 CM7 Gingerbread OC’d to 975MHz. So maybe this is why it’s not a supported device. I’ll try again after updating to Phiremod Nook 6.2. UPDATE: Playback is smooth after update to Phiremod 6.2.

Start with a rooted Nook Color… If you don’t have one of those buy it here then root it here and optionally get ROMSs here.
Continue reading Nook Color Netflix Hack

Apple Fanboys Who Only Care About Talking To Other Apple Fanboys

The Skype acquisition by Microsoft has provoked a backlash from some Apple zealots who apparently hate everything Microsoft:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/gblakeman/status/67842941514825728″]


Me, I like things that are cross-platform, that don’t restrict you to interacting with a limited demographic. (more after break) Continue reading Apple Fanboys Who Only Care About Talking To Other Apple Fanboys