$5 eBay solar panel that is producing about 7 volts, $20 Arduino Nano. Boots up in the sunlight, switches off when the shade falls on it.
I still have no idea exactly what I’m going to do with this, but whatever it is, it’s going to be fun.
Sorry about this, French people… but this is absolutely hilarious:
Me and my awesome wife made these healthy eats:
Although I’ve been successful in putting the kibosh on stacks of paper piling up on my desk, my mind remains cluttered at times. I am afraid that my obsession with multitasking has affected me. I want to know what’s going on; I try to stay informed of what’s happening in the world. I try to understand complex things outside the realm of what I’m supposed to be good at. Why am I trying to wrap my head around the functioning of an economy, the state of an overseas conflict, or quantum physics when I have overdue projects that should receive my undivided focus? Continue reading I Must Not Allow Overstimulation To Steal My Focus
Made this today because there wasn’t enough support for her to ride high comfortably otherwise.
Installed in the trailer.
Continue reading Custom Dog Trailer Support Bar
Shot this using my phone using the 360 App, which is not too great compared to my stitched DSLR panoramas (duh) or Occipital’s 360 Panorama iPhone app.
This looks like the the subject is in Italics
The subject was actually moving relative observer, as we whizzed by in our car. Continue reading Rolling Shutter Temporal Distortion & Stroboscopic Effects