98 Megapixels, Taken from bald mountain, up sunshine canyon in the Boulder County foothills.
All posts by Henry Koren
S#!t hitting the fan @Amazon EC2

1:41 AM PDT We are currently investigating latency and error rates with EBS volumes and connectivity issues reaching EC2 instances in the US-EAST-1 region.
2:18 AM PDT We can confirm connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances and increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. Increased error rates are affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We continue to work towards resolution.
2:49 AM PDT We are continuing to see connectivity errors impacting EC2 instances, increased latencies impacting EBS volumes in multiple availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region, and increased error rates affecting EBS CreateVolume API calls. We are also experiencing delayed launches for EBS backed EC2 instances in affected availability zones in the US-EAST-1 region. We continue to work towards resolution.
3:20 AM PDT Delayed EC2 instance launches and EBS API error rates are recovering. We’re continuing to work towards full resolution. Continue reading S#!t hitting the fan @Amazon EC2
Louis C.K. One Night Stand
Continue reading Louis C.K. One Night Stand
“Weird Al” Yankovic – Perform This Way (and more)
Weird Al rocks… and so does Lady Gaga.
More old weird al videos… Continue reading “Weird Al” Yankovic – Perform This Way (and more)
CAUTION: This pharmaceutical web-ad may cause nausea and vomiting
Pic of Moonrise… Don’t try this with your cameraphone
Erase a CD with High Voltage
150,000 volts blast away the data on this CD:
I think that will do the job!
File Zen: Consistent Data Folders Synchronized Between Desktop & Laptop Windows Machines

My goal was to have as close to identical as possible environments on both my desktop and laptop machines, and to have them back eachother up in case of loss of either one of them. The idea is that I should be able to work from either machine without having to alter where the files I am working with exist. Continue reading File Zen: Consistent Data Folders Synchronized Between Desktop & Laptop Windows Machines