Tag Archives: Equality

Equality Artifacts and Image Quality

In support of the right to marry the one you love, today the equals sign swept facebook, and a teachable moment about lossy image compression has come in its wake.   The first The image started as a perfect set of squares.  Here’s what the SFR of a perfect edge looks like:ogsfr I don’t have the original image, I had to recreate this in GIMP.   From the very first person that uploaded this, the image began to degrade. Continue reading Equality Artifacts and Image Quality

Homophobia And Marriage Inequality Must End

Inequality for the non-heterosexual must end.  I’ve been a beneficiary of having my straight relationship recognized by the government.  As some white people once stood for the rights of the oppressed blacks, now I feel it is my duty to stand for the rights of my fellow humans who are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender to not be persecuted or shamed, and to have the same right to benefit from a government sponsored relationship that I have.  Equal protection under the law.

Here are some videos that have moved me in the last week to make this post…

Continue reading Homophobia And Marriage Inequality Must End