All posts by Henry Koren

Why Twitter is Not Good At Updating Facebook – Facebook Discriminates Against Apps

Lets examine a typical Twitter post as imported by FB’s Twitter app:

It Just Looks Awful

The update riddled with twitter lingo like RT (retweet), @mentions, and #hashtags.   Twitter lingo confuses Facebook-only users, and the twitter components that should be turned into links, aren’t.  This is a violation of the Twitter Display Guidelines but you probably won’t see Twitter revoking Facebook’s API key because it’s such an enormous source of referring traffic. Continue reading Why Twitter is Not Good At Updating Facebook – Facebook Discriminates Against Apps

Beware Of Video Players On Untrusted Sites You’ve Clicked Through To From Facebook

I’ve seen the link “Yeahh!! It happens on Live Television!!!” liked by four of my facebook friends today.  I think it’s worth warning people not to click inside of web pages pages on an untrusted site that thas a video player within it.

Here is the example of an offending video post:

Characteristics: usually something tantalizing and sexual.  This one has been particularly bad. Apparently everybody loves a good nip slip, from fundamentalist Christians, to moms, to technology experts.

Once you click to go to the link, the damage hasn’t yet been done.  Usually there will be a video player with a big play button on it.  Clicking on the button usually won’t work, at least at first.
Continue reading Beware Of Video Players On Untrusted Sites You’ve Clicked Through To From Facebook