All posts by Henry Koren

Tablet madness has officially arrived

Tablet week is upon us…  Behold the iPod, EVO 4G, Nook Color & iPad.

iPod, EVO 4G, Nook Color, iPad

Why the tablets madness?  I’m going to be starting an interactive children’s e-Book Application publisher called Third Chicken.  Isn’t it a great name?  We’ll be targeting the iPad and Android tablets  It’s going to be a lot of fun.  A huge thanks to Tracy De Cicco and FounderMatch for bringing together the the key players who are founding this new company.  Wish us cluck!

Raccoons rescued from dumpster

We found two young raccoons stuck in a dumpster:

They looked up at me with this “get us out of here” expression on their faces.  We thought they might be able to escape so we went to dinner.  Coming back they were still there, one of them had actually climed on top of the other trying to get up to the edge of the dumpster.

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