Using calculated distances of the objects, this 3D reconstruction of a 2D photograph was constructed. Awesome!
[via Bad Astronomy]
Using calculated distances of the objects, this 3D reconstruction of a 2D photograph was constructed. Awesome!
[via Bad Astronomy]
Ones mind often perceives stars as infinitesimally small point rather than something that has angular size.
But gazing at these planets, these seem more to be discs than pinholes. Or maybe it’s just atmospheric distortion and flare light.
Check out this amazing photography by Patrick Cullis
Venus, Jupiter and the Flatirons from Patrick Cullis on Vimeo.
Do you see the shock wave ripple through the sun?
Via NASA SDO – Solar Dynamics Observatory
As this giant rock hurtles by our planet, lets take this time to reflect upon living life to its fullest, and to have no regrets if our existence were to come to a sudden fiery end.
I may not be able to slip loose the constrains of our earthly atmosphere to see the blackness of space, but this is almost as good:
[youtube rvDqoxMUroA 640 360]
Amazing video from ISS. Frame rate is somewhat slow because it was compiled from stills taken with a DSLR.