The only reason this crazy language seems normal to me is because I grew up with it. My wife who immigrated from Iran and learned English as her second language totally agrees with Ed Rondthaler:
/via Evan Ravitz
The only reason this crazy language seems normal to me is because I grew up with it. My wife who immigrated from Iran and learned English as her second language totally agrees with Ed Rondthaler:
/via Evan Ravitz
I believe I can fly…
Continue reading FPV – First Person View: HD Camera + RC plane = Awesome
thanks for posting this this Jon…
For more awesome dubstep music checkout Dubstep.FM
Duality of a house
165 Green Rock Dr., in Boulder, Co. is known as the “Menkick House”
Click here for a home page devoted to the architect
I love Android because of the possibilities it offers. Screenshot from my HTC EVO:
Description after break… Continue reading Screenshot Of Android Music Widgets & Things One Can’t Do On iOS
This is an awesome tune:
I love Slashdot! Today their site seemed to have some JavaScript issue which resulted in it dumping out all of their little catch phrases at once.
So here they are:
Try the Moo Shu Pork. It is especially good today.
Try to get all of your posthumous medals in advance.
Try to have as good a life as you can under the circumstances. Continue reading Slashdot Footer Quotes Have Exploded