All posts by Henry Koren

WordPress Tip: Custom shortcode for including CSS & HTML

If you want to include HTML and/or CSS in your blog post, try adding this to your theme’s functions.php:
[php]function include_func($atts) {
‘html’ => ”,
‘css’ => ”,
), $atts));
if ($css!=”) {
global $stylenum;
if (!isset($stylenum)) $stylenum=0;
if ($html!=”) {
return $output;

Usage in a wordpress post:

Continue reading WordPress Tip: Custom shortcode for including CSS & HTML

WordPress Tip: Use Chrome’s Code Inspector to Edit HTML Inside Visual Editor

Using WordPress’ visual editor is nice, the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin makes it even more powerful.  But it’s nice to be able to go back and change the HTML.  Using the HTML tab in WordPress is not necessarily the best way to edit HTML, especially if you are interested in switching back and forth between Visual and HTML.   If you are working with a large document, the HTML tab will always start you at the top.  So every time you switch to HTML you have to search (either visually or with find) to find where you were at in the HTML.   There is a better way… Continue reading WordPress Tip: Use Chrome’s Code Inspector to Edit HTML Inside Visual Editor