We all know Sneakernet >> TCP/IP
All posts by Henry Koren
Amen breakbeat
Beagle & Boffers
Turn up the volume for the full effect.
Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy
I love Louis C.K!
How does this much moisture come out of a tailpipe?
This was water, not gasoline:
Iranian Women – strong proud brave beautiful
I should know… I married one! Check out this TEDx talk:
Test post
Flying around Boulder & Denver Colorado with Google Earth
Tablet madness has officially arrived
Tablet week is upon us… Behold the iPod, EVO 4G, Nook Color & iPad.
Why the tablets madness? I’m going to be starting an interactive children’s e-Book Application publisher called Third Chicken. Isn’t it a great name? We’ll be targeting the iPad and Android tablets It’s going to be a lot of fun. A huge thanks to Tracy De Cicco and FounderMatch for bringing together the the key players who are founding this new company. Wish us cluck!